All about The Rehab Doc
The Rehab Doc is edited by Dr. Anthony Sharkey MB, Bch, BA0, DCH, Trinity 1982. Dr Sharkey qualified in Medicine from Trinity College Dublin in 1982. In 1985 he took a year off to explore Buddhism and its teachings. Twenty years later he was ordained and now lives and works in Dublin as a doctor and holistic Buddhist teacher.
Why create the rehab doc website?
“The notion of the rehab doc grew from so often being asked for advice about where to look on the web from people seeking information about addiction and treatments. When I looked, and I have looked extensively, around the web I was struck by the lack of any whole-person, whole-life addiction problem website. So I decided to do it myself.
The concept is simple – to provide a website without gimmicks, tricks or commercial considerations that respects the intelligence of readers and does more than just skim the surface.”
The Rehab Doc articles discuss every aspect of what it takes to free you from the rigors of addiction and this includes health, fitness and quality-of-life topics that really matter, that make a difference to the process of recovery. As well as a lot of practical, sensible and down to earth information about addiction in all its forms, you will find articles about today’s responses to addiction, treatment approaches and therapies.
Of course there are many pages dedicated to single subjects – each of the top 40 abused drugs of today are covered individually, including alcohol. We will be adding to the site all the time, with articles about gambling and other addictions already in the pipe-line.
Your health is your responsibility
The material provided here at The Rehab Doc website is for general information purposes only and is not medical advice. Readers should always seek professional medical advice or diagnosis from an appropriately qualified practicing medical physician or counsellor no matter what the problem. Never use any content on The Rehab Doc to disregard any medical advice you have received and never delay seeking medical advice because of content you have read or seen here, or on any other website. If you think you have a problem, then make an appointment and see someone, today!
We guarantee our independence, and your privacy
The Rehab Doc is an independent website and all the articles are edited and checked by expert independent medical practitioners or counsellors with experience in the treatment and consequences of addiction.
As a doctor I understand patient confidentiality and how important it is to everyone. On The Rehab Doc website we apply the same standards to protecting and upholding your online privacy rights – you can visit and read the information here without telling us about yourself, either knowingly or not.
Copyright Notice
The Rehab Doc site provides articles and links to third parties who hold the copyright on their original content. Under no circumstances should anyone copy or redistribute in any way such articles without first gaining express written permission to do so from the rehab doc.